Wednesday, 2 March 2011

More complex Origami

For an origami piece i wanted to create some sort of flower/star like shape, the reason being as my research has shown many things in nature like flowers have pattern and i think linking the origami technique with the flower pattern will work nicely.

So i formed some basic shapes to get a very rough idea of how the design could look and where creases should go. Next i will attempt to create an origami styled flower shape.


 As i had the basic star shape intact i wanted to make the interior pattern more complex, so i added more folds and creases. The added folds have made the design a more 3 dimensional object and the dark regions create more depth. 

All together its a much more intricate design and pattern and the increase of folds have created petal like forms in the interior of the shape. I really like this aspect, its beginning to look like a flower but at the moment its a bit to angular, the curves need to be more smooth to reflect the delicate mature of flower petals.

So i progressed on, i developed onto a more flowery design, making sure this time it had a much more curvy design. By doing this it made it look more like a natural form. I'm really liking this idea of making the paper look organic and natural looking.

You can see the difference between the two. I do like both designs but i prefer the design on the lft purely for the fact it has a much more natural look, rather than the one of the right which just seems like paper folded into angles.

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